October 1, 2024 18 x 40 x 14

October 2024 Monthly Special
18 x 40 x 14
Roof Only/ RV Cover/ Picnic Cover

Roof Only/ RV Cover/ Picnic Cover

This month’s special will cover your RV or picnic area.  Park or store just about vehicle under it.   With an open “roof only” you can protect your “toys” from sun, rain or snow.  It can be made taller if needed for your RV or wider for pop-out.

This building is so simple you can build it yourself or have M&W come and build it in just a couple of days.  The package comes with posts, trusses, steel, screws, and bolts all you need to put it together.  Give us a call today to get a quote for your site.

Purchase before October 31, 2024 and save $ 808.00

 Kit Price $ 8,111.00 *
(Freight not included)
Built Price $ 15,390.00 *
(Freight no included)

* F.O.B, Canby, OR. Concrete backfill, floor, site prep, labor and permits not included.  Contract must be signed by October 31, 2024.  Delivery dependent on county approval, permits and scheduling.  Engineered for 25# snow, 98 wind and “C” exposure. Additional charges may apply if additional engineering is needed.  Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions.
Call 1-800-547-1714 or 503-263-9000 for further information, to send message to us.